Both of my games will have a high difficulty as i have chosen the gameplay to be a hard and rigurous level just like Heart of Darkness (PlayStation 1) is a one hit kill and a hard level based game. My two games will have obsticals to get past as you need to complete challanges and get past enemies. Innicially i want the game to be linear but in my 3D game i want the theme of some traps sending all the way to the begining. The reason why i choose these difficulties and the structure is because
Game Brief 1
In my 2D Eskimo game it will be a hard level set in an ocoan tsunami in the north/south pole where the character starts on the oppisite side of his village and he will need to navigate from ice berg piece to another ice berg piece. The wolves (NPCs) will also be trapped in the tsunami so it is upto to the player to either avoid and leave them to be swollowed up by the tsunami or attack them if they get in the way.
The tsunami is a torrential and dangerous obsticle as it destroys any and all things in it's path and the pressure of the tsunami breaks the icebergs into smaller pieces as the player needs to cross those ice beergs to survive as does the wolves (NPCs). If the NPCs or the player fall into the tsunami there helth will be put to zero and for the player the game will be over.
The wolves will be skattered all over the level and will try to attack the player alone from all directions and will try or fail to jump or cross to the next ice berg.
The structure of this 2D game is purely linear with no means of returning back or even moving forward only the means of beating the game or simply achieving game over which results in restarting of that level.
Game Brief 3
In my 3D time travel game it will also be another survival game but it will not have any NPCs to get in your way. The Obsticals in the game will be trap doors to a bottomless black hole, will be swooped away and will never be able to return and you may get burned unless you figure out how to complete a puzzle.
The Difficulty of the game is purely puzzle based as you gwet from one building to the next until you get to the goal which is a cup to send you to the next level. In each building there is one puzzle from the next as it will need to be solved for the buildings to move and for you to get to the next building. There will also be traps which will need to be avoided as it will be an instant Game Over as will a failed puzzle solving as they both set of a trap to inniciate Game Over.
The structure of the game is basicly a linear game where the level will be going from one level from the next without going back to revisit the game but i want to add the element that you will be forced back to the last level via trap door.